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Rady Obozów [27-28 marca]

Rozpoczynamy kolejne Rady Obozów. W ostatnim tygodniu mieliśmy dużo zmian dotyczących przynależności poszczególnych graczy do obozów, więc napiszę krótko jak konkretnie będziecie głosować. Osoby, które są aktualnie u Innych, głosują normalnie. Jaskiniowcy przebywający w obozie ogonowców w ogóle nie wezmą udziału w radzie (spowodowane jest to rezygnacją jednego z waszych). Ogonowcy głosują w swoim gronie, nie możecie typować jaskiniowców grających aktualnie razem z wami. Dokładniejsze listy osób, na które można głosować, wkrótce pojawią się w waszych działach. Pozostałe kwestie pozostają bez zmian - wysyłacie nicki dwóch osób, które mają opuścić grę do Mistrzów Gry waszego obozu. Czas taki jak zwykle - do niedzieli, godz. 18:00.
shan dnia marca 27 2010 17:37:08
Kto zrezygnował? smiley
jazeera dnia marca 27 2010 17:40:07
sama nie wiem, a jestem ciekawa ide wyszpiegować. smiley

głosy poszly, chociaż miałam znowu problem,
co do jednej osoby :/
Dexter dnia marca 27 2010 17:40:24
hihi nie odpadnę smiley ale mam nadzieję, że z mojej grupy odpadnie właściwa osoba smiley
Michal dnia marca 27 2010 17:44:09
Ja również już zagłosowałem. Nie było problemu z wybraniem 2 osób smiley
adi1991 dnia marca 27 2010 17:49:31
Dexter przecież ty nie głosujeszsmiley
Dexter dnia marca 27 2010 17:50:28
wiem, ale nie chcę, żeby odpadł ktoś kto się udziela smiley
von Veron dnia marca 27 2010 19:27:54
powtórzę pytanie shan: kto zrezygnował?
głosy już poszłysmiley a pograłabym sobie chętnie kilka tygodni bez głosowaniasmiley
agusia dnia marca 27 2010 19:38:55
A ja cieszę się, że nie muszę w tym tygodniu glosować. Szkoda, że ktoś rezygnuje, ale to jego wybór, nie głosów, więc chyba dobrze? (;
von Veron dnia marca 27 2010 20:31:18
właśnie, wam to dobrze, jaskiniowco-ogonowcysmiley
Marcus dnia marca 27 2010 21:09:19
Hehe koniec zabawy! Dziękuję, dobranoc smiley
panda dnia marca 27 2010 21:35:50
Poszło ;(
Marcus zrezygnował?
jazeera dnia marca 27 2010 21:36:40
Nie. Ale prawdopodobnie to jego koniec.
Lincoln dnia marca 28 2010 00:01:13
Specjalnie się pojawił, żeby jego śmierć była bardziej efektowna. Szkoda, bo fajnie pisał.
agusia dnia marca 28 2010 16:31:55
Lincoln- wszyscy, którzy zostali, fajnie piszą. (; Ciągle zastanawia mnie, kto zrezygnował.. Co prawda domyślam się, nie mam pojęcia dlaczego. :/
Faraday dnia kwietnia 03 2019 17:04:43

The world has undergone dramatic changes. Only last year, a Great War came to the end. It wiped out thousands of cities, millions of lives and a few empires, including the Welf Empire. The Welf dynasty which ruled over a dozen nations for a few centuries were unfortunate enough to find themselves on the wrong side of that conflict. Losing the war despite the enormous economical effort and death of almost a million of citizens resulted in a massive social crisis which forced the monarch to abdicate and caused the Empire to fall apart. The nations held willingly under the rule of the Welf dynasty were given the chance to decide on their own.
One of them was your nation, proud people of Graznavia. A few months ago, after two hundred years of foreign occupation we managed to establish our own independent authority. We have returned to the borders close to those we had before we lost our freedom. However, there is one problematic area. The northern region of Krakozhia, rich in natural resources and having a well-developed industry, brought attention of our neighbors from Sokovia. Historically, they have no rights to the region but during the last century a lot of their families moved into the cities and villages of the region. In the span of the years, Sokovians grew in number enough to equal or even surpass the number of our citizens in some of the areas of Krakozhia.
It resulted in a tension between our nations. Nowadays, the local communities are torn. Some people want to live in Graznavia while the others want to live in Sokovia. A few, still rather minor, cases of ethnic violence has recently happened in the region. We deeply fear that it can escalate in no time and result in another war. Do not forget we are too young and unstabilized country to allow ourselves to engage in a military conflict.
Fortunately, Sokovia is also determined to avoid the bloodshed and agreed to solve the situation in a peaceful way. You, on behalf of Graznavian government, are authorized to negotiate border treaty.
In front of you there is a map of the area. We decided to keep the borders of the pre-war counties. The main purpose of our negotiations would be to decide which county should belong to which state (us or Sokovia). You can choose any of the counties on the map but there are two rules:
I. At least one of chosen counties should be adjacent to the rest of Graznavian territory,
II. The chosen country should be adjacent to at least one another Graznavian county (no exclaves are allowed).
There are a few things you should take into consideration while deciding which counties should be taken by our proud nation.
At first, people. You should choose counties in a way which would allow us much Graznavians as possible to stay with their motherland. After years spent without our own state we should try to gather our nation inside the Graznavian borders.
Unfortunately some of our dear people would stay abroad. We should ensure they are given proper rights: as many Graznavian kids in Krakozhia as possible should learn in bilingual schools. Boards with the name of villlages and cities in Krakozhia must contain names in both Graznavian and Sokovian language. Public services should be also be attainable in both languages. Finally, demand from Sokovians to take care of Graznavian monuments and graveyards. We need them to invest about 10 million $ a year to maintain our monuments and graveyards on their territory in good shape. Whether we are obliged to give same rights to Sokovia people in return is disputable. All things considered, they are guest on our territory.
Economy is another thing that matters. Krakozhia is a rich region with a lot of mines and ironworks. We need well developed industry to support the growth of our young country. Take into account the number of industrial infrastructure (coal mines, iron works) in the counties you choose.
Krakozhia is cut in half by a Transcontinental Railroad, an international railway spreading all across the continent. If we manage to keep the whole Krakozhian part of the railroad inside our borders we will be able to easily export our coal and steel making industry in Krakozhia more profitable. Of course its unlikely. We advise you to sign a treaty stating that in case the Transcontinental Railroad would go across a few borders through Krakozhia, border control and imposing duty should happen only once for Graznavia and Sokovia. Otherwise the railroad will become completely useless.
Despite the conflict we hope for a peaceful co-existence of the two nations. Local border traffic should be established. It means that people living in chosen counties of Krakozhia will be able to cross the border with special visas which are easier to attain and without strict customs control provided that they stay within the local border traffic area. Choose which counties on both sides of the border should be included in the area. Make the area as big as possible on Sokoviar17;s side and as small as possible on your side. That way it would be most profitable.
To maintain a co-operation we may agree to open a Sokovian embassy in our capital and our embassy in their capital. We can also agree to let Sokovians open a consulate on our territory but none of them should be in Krakozhia, it can be a way for Sokovians to make their presence in Krakozhia even stronger. We open equal number of diplomatic missions on Sokovian territory that they open on our territory. It is an old diplomatic tradition and it cannot be changed. It will not be sensible to open more than three pairs of consulates.
Sokovians have recently recognized the government of Zubrovka. That government is an authoritharian one and took the power through the coupe dr17;etat. It is a dangerous precedence for our region of the world and we cannot silently agree to such turn of events. Try to convince Sokovian that they should revoke their recognition and officially condemn Republic of Zubrovkar17;s government.
Finally, do not forget about Hill of Heroes. It is a site where the first prince of Graznavia won a battle against joint forces of neighbouring countries. It is one of the proudest events in our history and we must do anything possible to spread our control over that hill.
Our spies informed us that Sokovian geologists have discovered the oil fields in the enlisted counties: 3 r11; Jare, 10 r11; Jazvine, 12 r11; Maglice

Owning oil fields seems crucial for our country as a newly developed vehicle - an automobile- is a future of transport.

We agreed that in case of breaking the negotiations a popular voting will take place in each of the Krakozhian counties but its results are highly unpredictable so you have to do anything you can to bring the negotiations to the end.
1 Medjedice 30,000 8000 2 2
2 Godomilje 35,000 10,000 1 3
3 Jare 40,000 15,000 1 3
4 Kute 45,000 12,000 2 1
5 Vitez 30,000 15,000 1 3
6 Krajleice 25,000 15,000 2 3
7 Paklarewo 25,000 20,000 3 5
8 Suhi Dol 50,000 42,000 3 5
9 Jelinak 18,000 20,000 2 2
10 Jazvine 20,000 22,000 1 5
11 Gradina 18,000 30,000 1 4
12 Maglice 15,000 25,000 2 2
13 Vrci 12,000 50,000 2 3
14 Bradina 10,000 40,000 2 3
15 Rakovica 10,000 25,000 2 2

I. You get 2 point for each 1000 of Graznavian citizens who live in your part of Krakozhia.
II. For each coal mine within the border of Graznavia:
a. if you take all the counties with Transcontinental Railroad you will get 6 points,
b. if you take some of the counties with Transcontinental Railroad you will get 5 + extra 0,2 points for each of the counties with Transcontinental Railroad you will own
c. if you do not sing a treaty about transborder transport on the Transcontinental Railroad you get -1 point per coal mine,
d. else you get 5 points.
III. For each iron work within the border of Graznavia:
a. if you take all the counties with Transcontinental Railroad you will get 12 points,
b. if you take some of the counties with Transcontinental Railroad you will get 10 + extra 0,4 points for each of the counties with Transcontinental Railroad you will own
c. if you do not sing a treaty about transborder transport on the Transcontinental Railroad you get -2 point per iron work,
d. else you get 10 points.
IV. If Sokovia:
a. create bilingual schools in Krakozhia you get:
3*x% points per 10 thousands of your citizens living in Sokovian part of Krakozhia. X means how many percents of Sokovian kids will be guaranteed place in such a school
b. guarantee public services in Granzavian language in Krakozhia you will get 1,5 points for each 10 thousands of your citizens living in their part of Krakozhia,
c. promise to take care of Granzavian monuments and graveyards you will get:
3 points * (x/10000000) for each 10 thousands of your citizens living in their part of Krakozhia where x means amount of money Sokovian will pay each year to maintain Granzavian monuments (maximum for x is 10 000 000 $)
d. promise to create boards with both Granzavian and Sokovian name of the towns and villages in Krakozhia you will get 1 point for each 10 thousands of your citizens living in their part of Krakozhia.
V. If you allow Sokovians to get minority rights, for each of the guaranteed rights you will get:
Minus 1 point per 10 thousands of Sokovians in your part of Krakozhia.
VI. Diplomacy:
a. you get 20 points for each Sokovian county in the local border traffic area and -10 points for each of your counties in the local border traffic area,
b. if you recognize government of Zubrovka you lose 200 points,
c. if Sokovians stop recognizing government of Zubrovka you gain 200 points,
d. if you allow to establish embassy you get 50 points
e. per each consulate above one established on your territory outside Krakozhia you get 30 points but you lose 15 points per each Sokovian consulate in Graznavia
VII. If the Hill of Heroes is located abroad you lose 200 points.
VIII. You get 80 points of each of the counties with oil fields you will manage to get.
Faraday dnia kwietnia 03 2019 17:05:26


The world has undergone dramatic changes. Only last year, the Great War came to the end. It wiped out thousands of cities, millions of lives and a few empires, including the Welf Empire. The Welf dynasty which ruled over a dozen nations for a few centuries were unfortunate enough to find themselves on the wrong side of that conflict. Losing the war despite the enormous economic effort and death of almost a million of citizens resulted in a massive social crisis which forced the monarch to abdicate and caused the Empire to fall apart. The nations, held willingly under the rule of the Welf dynasty, were given the chance to decide on their own. One of them was your nation, Sokovia. A few months ago, a descendant of an exiled dynasty returned to the capital city and declared the independence of Sokovian Kingdom.

To ensure a bright future of your country you must gather as much territory as possible. Therefore, you turned your eyes south, to the wealthy region of Krakozhia. To be honest you do not have much legal claims to this region which historically belong to your neighbors from Graznavia. However, during the last two centuries a lot of your people have moved there in search for better life. Sokovian families grew in number so much that in some parts of Krakozhia Sokovians became a majority. It is an opportunity you must use for a well-being of your country.

Of course, your claims resulted in a serious conflict. There were even some cases of ethnic violence in the torn community of Krakozhia. If we do not try to resolve the tension, one day we may find ourselves in the midst of a military conflict with Graznavia. You should avoid it. You are too weak for a war.

Fortunately, Graznavia is also a recently established and struggling state emerging from the ruins of the old Welf Empire. They proposed us to negotiate a border treaty and to divide Krakozhia. You, on behalf of Sokovian government, are authorized to negotiate the treaty.

In front of you is a map of the area. We decided to keep the borders of the pre-war counties. The main purpose of our negotiations would be to decide which county should belong to which state (us or Graznavia). You can choose any of the counties on the map but there are two rules:

I. At least one of chosen counties should be adjacent to the rest of Sokovian territory,
II. The chosen country should be adjacent to at least one another Sokovian county (no exclaves are allowed).

There are a few factors you should take into consideration while negotiating with our partners.

At first, people. Try to choose counties with as much Sokovian people as possible. It is essential to build a big and proud nation.

Of course, you should not forget about people left on the other side of the border. You should ensure they are given proper rights: Sokovian kids should learn in bilingual schools. Boards with the name of villages and cities in Krakozhia must contain names in both Graznavian and Sokovian language. Public services should also be attainable in both languages. Finally, we think that a newspaper in Sokovian language, controlled by our publishers should be issued in Graznavian part of Krakozhia. Best would be if Graznavian allowed us to issue a daily newspaper. However a weekly or monthly (worst option) magazine also would be an option.

On our side, you should try to limit the strength of Graznavian minority. No rights should be given to them. Keep in the back of your mind that we do not have enough legitimacy to own any lands in Krakozhia. If we allow Graznavian community to maintain their language and tradition one day they will demand returning to their motherland.

Economy is another thing that matters. Krakozhia is a rich region with a lot of mines and ironworks. We need well developed industry to support the growth of our young country. Take into account the number of industrial infrastructure (coal mines, iron works) in the counties you choose.

Krakozhia is cut in half by a Transcontinental Railroad, an international railway spreading all across the continent. It is used to transport products from Krakozhian industry abroad. We know that from the economical perspective keeping that road is profitable. However, Rotovia, a strong country north from us which is our natural ally wants us to sell Krakozhian products to them. Therefore they want us to find a way to sabotage the Railroad. We should gather as much provinces with the Transcontinental Railroad as possible.

Despite the conflict we hope for a peaceful co-existence of the two nations. To ensure the proper execution of the treaty we should establish permanent diplomatic relations with Graznavia. We may demand opening an embassy. We estimate that three consulates should be opened as well. More are not sensible for logistic reasons. Of course, it works both way. We open equal number of diplomatic missions on Graznavian territory that they open on our territory. It is an old diplomatic tradition and it cannot be changed. Of those three consulates we should do anything to open them in Karkozhia as it would help us to develop our presence in this region.

We have recently recognized the authoritarian government of Republic of Zubrovka which gained the power through the coup dr17;Etat. It was condemned by most of the countries but Zubrovka is our important trade partner therefore we should turn a blind eye on the moral doubts. As Graznavia is also Zubrovkar17;s neighbor, the topic may emerge during the discussion. Try to convince Graznavia to recognize the government of Zubrovka. We think it may help to bring more stability to the region.

Local border traffic should be established. It means that people living in chosen counties of Krakozhia will be able to cross the border with special visas which are easier to attain and without strict customs control provided that they stay within the local border traffic area. Choose which counties on both sides of the border should be included in the area. Make the area as big as possible on Graznavian side and as small as possible on your side. That way it would be most profitable.

Geologists from our local university claim that they found oil fields in the enlisted counties:
r6; 3 - Jare
r6; 10 - Jazvine
r6; 12 r11; Maglice

Owning oil fields seems crucial for our country as a newly developed vehicle - an automobile- is a future of transport.

We agreed that in case of breaking the negotiations a popular voting will take place in each of the Krakozhian counties but its results are highly unpredictable so you have to do anything you can to bring the negotiations to an end.

1 Medjedice 30,000 8000 2 2
2 Godomilje 35,000 10,000 1 3
3 Jare 40,000 15,000 1 3
4 Kute 45,000 12,000 2 1
5 Vitez 30,000 15,000 1 3
6 Krajleice 25,000 15,000 2 3
7 Paklarewo 25,000 20,000 3 5
8 Suhi Dol 50,000 42,000 3 5
9 Jelinak 18,000 20,000 2 2
10 Jazvine 20,000 22,000 1 5
11 Gradina 18,000 30,000 1 4
12 Maglice 15,000 25,000 2 2
13 Vrci 12,000 50,000 2 3
14 Bradina 10,000 40,000 2 3
15 Rakovica 10,000 25,000 2 2

1. You get 3 points for each 1000 of Sokovian citizens who live in your part of Krakozhia.
2. For each coal mine within the border of Sokovia you get 5 points.
3. For each iron work within the border of Sokovia you get 10 points.
4. Transcontinental railroad:
a. you get 300 points if you manage to gather all the counties with Transcontinental Railroads within the border of Sokovia,
b. you get 80 points for each county with Transcontinental Railroad within the border of Sokovia,
c. you get -50 points if you agree to sing a treaty about transborder transport on the Transcontinental Railroad.
5. If Graznavia:
a. create bilingual schools in their part of Krakozhia you get 3*x% points per 10 thousands of your citizens living Graznavian part of Krakozhia, x means percent of Graznavian kids in Sokovia who will be able to learn in bilingual schools,
b. guarantee public services in Sokovian language in their part of Krakozhia you will get 1 point for each 10 thousands of your citizens living there,
c. allows you to publish Sokovian newspaper in their part of Krakozhia you will get 0,5*x points for each 10 thousands of your citizens living there where x means: 3 r11; for daily newspaper, 2 for weekly magazine, 1 for monthly magazine,
d. promise to create boards with both Graznavian and Sokovian name of the towns and villages in their part of Krakozhia you will get 1 point for each 10 thousand of your citizens living there.
6. If you allow Graznavians to get minority rights, for each of the guaranteed rights you will get minus 2 points per 5 thousand of Graznavians in your part of Krakozhia.
7. You get 20 points for each Graznavian county in the local border traffic area and -10 points for each of your counties in the local border traffic area.
8. Diplomacy:
a. you get 100 points for an embassy (max. one) and 20 points for each consulate established in Graznavia outside Krakozhia and 50 points for each consulate established in Graznavian part of Krakozhia (max.3 consulates),
b. if you step down and declare that Zubrovka government is not legitimate one, you get r11; 250 points,
c. if you convince Graznavia they should recognize Zubrovka government, you get +250 points,
d. for maintaining status quo when it comes to recognition of Zubrovka government you get -50 points.
9. You get 80 points for each county with oil fields you manage to obtain.

1. Who will get which county and where will be the local border traffic area created?

Nr Name of territory GRAZNOVIA SOKOVIA Local border traffic area (mark with X)
1 Medjedice
2 Godomilje
3 Jare
4 Kute
5 Vitez
6 Krajleice
7 Paklarewo
8 Suhi Dol
9 Jelinak
10 Jazvine
11 Gradina
12 Maglice
13 Vrci
14 Bradina
15 Rakovica

2. Will be the embassy established?
Yes No
3. How many consulates will be established? (max.3 pairs of consulates)
4. How many of pairs of consulates will be in Krakozhia?
5. Do you sign treaty about transborder transport?
Yes No
6. Rights guaranteed to Sokovian minority in Graznavian part of Krakozhia:
r6; bilingual schools for % of Sokovian kids in Graznavia
r6; public services in Sokovian language
r6; boards with village and town names in Sokovian and Graznavian:
r6; press in Sokovian language r11; daily weekly monthly
7. Rights guaranteed to Graznavian minority in Sokovian part of Krakozhia:
r6; bilingual schools for % of Graznavian kids in Sokovia
r6; public services in Graznavian language
r6; boards with village and town names in Sokovian and Graznavian:
r6; amount of money paid by Sokovians to keep Graznavian cemeteries and monuments in good shape: (0- 10 mln each year)
8. Zubrovka government:
r6; is recognized by Graznavia,
r6; is no longer recognized by Sokovia,
r6; status quo is maintained.
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14/04/2024 11:39

11/04/2024 15:55
Zapłacone, zalogowane, do zobaczenia za rok na forum smiley

10/04/2024 09:26
Rok temu też było chyba 200 z tego co pamiętam

10/04/2024 09:11
no dobra, zalogowalem sie. Do zobaczenia za rok xd

10/04/2024 09:10
200 zł za zwykły hosting na własnej domenie? Cenią się skubańce

08/04/2024 19:38

07/04/2024 22:50
Welcome in another life brotha 🫣

07/04/2024 20:15
może się ktoś zgłosi oprócz nas smiley

07/04/2024 20:05
ok, zrobiłam przelew - 200 zł

07/04/2024 17:46

05/04/2024 20:20
jasne, ja na pewno się dorzucę smiley

05/04/2024 17:25
postaram się w weekend zapłacić i będzie znowu zbiórka smiley

05/04/2024 17:24
przyszedł mi mail o wygaśnięciu hostingu za trzy dni

10/03/2024 21:41

09/03/2024 23:09

09/03/2024 18:03
Umba, pw smiley

29/02/2024 22:08

01/02/2024 21:53
o, nie ma Kinga - wreszcie jakiś inny autor ma szanse na wygraną

01/02/2024 21:47
lol widzę nową kategorię w plebiscycie na lc - romantasy smiley

01/02/2024 21:40
